
Point Your Finger and Make a Sound:

Welcome NaBloPoMo!

You know, the bribes of banana bread haven't worked and the not so subtle hinting has garnered absolutely no response. I believe the time to re-evaluate has come.

As I was driving last night I had an idea: why not switch it up a little, use some of that psychology I learned and paid am still paying for? And thusly came up with The Decree:

"Thou shalt not visit without first agreeing to a fully engaged night of The Boogie."

Rather than having some namby pamby open invitation just ligering out there forever, I've decided that any future visits will have the prerequisite of a mandatory night of rug-cutting.

Always aware in the back of your mind that you can come visit me whenever you want? Not any more. Now you will actually have to think about it and ask youself; "Do I have the verve to go out and shake it? Can I embrace the public sweating? Am I up for the challenge?"...

Yep, I'm thinkin' about my doorbell - when you gonna ring it?

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